Transformers: Robots in Disguise Warrior Class Autobot Ratchet
In the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series, Bumblebee leads a team of Autobots. Their mission: capture Decepticons that are loose on Earth � and do it without being discovered. Join Bumblebee and his team and help them chase down Decepticons with Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures.
Autobot Ratchet has always been one of the most dependable Autobots. He was hard at work rebuilding systems on Cybertron when he was offered a mission to track down Decepticon criminals on Earth. He didn't hesitate to join the fight.
Transformers Warriors Class figures are made for fans of classic Transformers conversion play. This Autobot Ratchet figure changes from robot to vehicle and back in 10 steps. It comes with 2 blaster accessories and works with all Mini-Con Weaponizers figures. Each Mini-Con Weaponizers figure converts from robot to weapon in a single step. Add a Mini-Con Weaponizers figure to the battle and imagine Autobot Ratchet just got mightier. Mini-Con Weaponizers figures are each sold separately and subject to availability. (See app details below.)
Every Transformers: Robots in Disguise figure unlocks content in the Transformers Robots: in Disguise app. Scan the Decepticon shield on this figure to unlock Autobot Ratchet and a blaster. Download the app, scan the shield to activate the code, unlock, and play. App content is for ages 9 and up. See below for app details.
Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Includes Autobot Ratchet figure, 2 blaster accessories, and on-box instructions.
- Transformers Warriors Class Autobot Ratchet figure
- Changes from robot to medical vehicle and back in 10 steps
- Comes with 2 blaster accessories
- Works with Mini-Con Weaponizers figures (each sold separately)
- Scan the figure to unlock content in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise app
- Ages 6 and up
- App content ages 9 and up
- App available through June 30, 2018.
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise app works with select iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android devices.
- Check for details.
- Updates may affect compatibility.
- Not available in all languages/countries.
- Hasbro is only responsible for Hasbro-generated content. Please refer to third party terms and conditions for further information. 2015 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise Warrior Class Autobot Ratchet
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